848 Best Middle Names for Brooklyn [Cute & Unique]

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Oh, the joy of naming a baby! It’s a mix of excitement and pressure as you try to find the perfect name for your little one. You’ve finally settled on the first name Brooklyn for your new baby girl and are in love with it. 

But now comes the challenge of finding the perfect middle name. 

You’ve got quite a challenge ahead of you, but fear not! This article will take you on a journey through the top middle names for Brooklyn, just waiting to be discovered. 

So sit back, relax, and get inspired by this extensive list of unique options to make your baby-naming adventure a breeze.

Our Favorite Middle Names for Brooklyn

Middle NameOriginMeaning
Brooklyn AaliyahArabicExalted, sublime
Brooklyn AbigailHebrewFather’s joy
Brooklyn AdelaideGermanNoble kind
Brooklyn AdeleGermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AdelineFrenchNoble
Brooklyn AdrianaLatinWoman from Adria
Brooklyn AdrienneLatinFrom Hadria
Brooklyn AgnesGreekPure, chaste
Brooklyn AinsleyOld EnglishClearing with a hermitage
Brooklyn AlainaOld GermanNoble, kind, precious
Brooklyn AlanaIrishLittle rock, harmony
Brooklyn AlaniHawaiianOrange tree
Brooklyn AlannaIrishFair, good-looking
Brooklyn AlaynaOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AlbaLatinDawn, white, bright
Brooklyn AlbertaEnglishNoble, bright
Brooklyn AleahHebrewAscending, going up
Brooklyn AlejandraGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlessandraGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlexaGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlexandraGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlexandriaGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlexiaGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlexisGreekDefender
Brooklyn AliceGermanicOf the nobility
Brooklyn AliciaOld GermanNoble kind
Brooklyn AlinaSlavicBright, beautiful
Brooklyn AlisaHebrewGreat happiness
Brooklyn AlishaSanskritProtected by God
Brooklyn AlisonOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AliviaLatinOlive tree
Brooklyn AliyahHebrewExalted, sublime
Brooklyn AlizaHebrewJoyful, exultant
Brooklyn AllegraItalianJoyful, lively
Brooklyn AllieOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AllisonOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AllysonOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AlmaLatinNurturing, kind
Brooklyn AlondraSpanishDefender of mankind
Brooklyn AlphaGreekFirst
Brooklyn AlyciaOld GermanNoble kind
Brooklyn AlysonOld GermanNoble, kind
Brooklyn AlyssaGreekRational
Brooklyn AmaraItalianGrace, beloved
Brooklyn AmariSwahiliStrength, builder
Brooklyn AmayaJapaneseNight rain
Brooklyn AmberArabicPrecious jewel
Brooklyn AmeliaLatinIndustrious, striving
Brooklyn AmelieGermanHardworking, industrious
Brooklyn AmericaLatinLand of the rulers
Brooklyn AmiraArabicprincess
Brooklyn AmiyaUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AmiyahUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AmoraSpanishlove
Brooklyn AmyFrenchbeloved
Brooklyn AnaSpanishForm of Anna, meaning gracious or merciful
Brooklyn AnabelaPortugueseCombination of Ana and Bela, meaning lovely
Brooklyn AnabelleFrenchCombination of Ana and Belle, meaning beauty
Brooklyn AnahiUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AnaisFrenchVariant of Anna, meaning gracious or merciful
Brooklyn AnastasiaGreekresurrection
Brooklyn AnayaHebrewanswer of God
Brooklyn AndiUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AndreaGreekMessenger of God
Brooklyn AndromedaGreekruler of men
Brooklyn AngelSpanishangel
Brooklyn AngelaGreekMessenger of God
Brooklyn AngelicaGreekangelic
Brooklyn AngelinaGreekangelic
Brooklyn AngelineFrenchangelic
Brooklyn AngeliqueFrenchangelic
Brooklyn AngieGreekmessenger of God
Brooklyn AnikaRussiangrace, favor
Brooklyn AniyaUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AniyahUnknownUnknown
Brooklyn AnnHebrewOaktree
Brooklyn AnnaHebrewgrace
Brooklyn AnnabellaItalianCombination of Anna and Bella, meaning beauty
Brooklyn AnnabelleFrenchCombination of Anna and Belle, meaning beauty
Brooklyn AnnaliseGermangraceful promise
Brooklyn AnneHebrewgrace
Brooklyn AnnetteFrenchgrace
Brooklyn AnnieHebrewgracious
Brooklyn AnnikaScandinaviangrace
Brooklyn AnsleyEnglishhermitage field
Brooklyn AntoniaLatinpriceless
Brooklyn AnwenWelshvery beautiful
Brooklyn AnyaRussiangrace, favor
Brooklyn AprilLatinto open
Brooklyn ArabellaLatinyielding to prayer
Brooklyn AraceliSpanishaltar of the sky
Brooklyn AriaItalianair; song or melody
Brooklyn AriahHebrewlioness, noble
Brooklyn ArianaGreekmost holy
Brooklyn AriannaGreekmost holy
Brooklyn ArielHebrewlion of God
Brooklyn AriellaHebrewlion of God
Brooklyn ArielleHebrewLion of God
Brooklyn ArissaGreekMost excellent
Brooklyn ArwenWelshMuse or fair, blessed
Brooklyn AshaSanskritHope
Brooklyn AshantiAfricanRebellious
Brooklyn AshlynEnglishDream
Brooklyn AshlynnEnglishMeadow of ash trees
Brooklyn AspenEnglishQuaking tree
Brooklyn AstridNorseGodly strength
Brooklyn AthenaGreekGoddess of wisdom and war
Brooklyn AubreeFrenchBlond ruler
Brooklyn AubreyFrenchElf ruler
Brooklyn AubriellaFrenchElf ruler
Brooklyn AudreyEnglishNoble strength
Brooklyn AugustLatinGreat, magnificent
Brooklyn AuroraLatinDawn, light
Brooklyn AustenFrenchGreat, magnificent
Brooklyn AutumnEnglishSeason of harvest
Brooklyn AvaLatinBird
Brooklyn AveryEnglishElf ruler
Brooklyn AvianaLatinBird-like
Brooklyn AviannaLatinBird-like
Brooklyn AylaHebrewBringer of Victory
Brooklyn AylinTurkishMoon halo
Brooklyn AzaleaGreekDry flower
Brooklyn AzealiaEnglishHelpful
Brooklyn AzuraSpanishSky blue
Brooklyn BaileeEnglishBailiff
Brooklyn BaileyEnglishSteward
Brooklyn BarbaraGreekForeign woman
Brooklyn BayleeEnglishBailiff
Brooklyn BeatriceLatinVoyager, traveler
Brooklyn BeatrixLatinVoyager, traveler
Brooklyn BellaItalianBeautiful
Brooklyn BelindaSpanishPretty
Brooklyn BelleFrenchBeauty
Brooklyn BenitaSpanishBlessed
Brooklyn BernadetteGermanBrave as a bear
Brooklyn BerniceGreekBringer of victory
Brooklyn BessEnglishGod is my oath
Brooklyn BethHebrewGod is my oath
Brooklyn BethanyHebrewHouse of figs
Brooklyn BetsyHebrewGod is my oath
Brooklyn BettinaGermanGod is my oath
Brooklyn BiancaItalianWhite, pure
Brooklyn BillieEnglishdetermined protector
Brooklyn BlaireScottishplain, field
Brooklyn BlakelyEnglishdark meadow
Brooklyn BlancheFrenchwhite, pure
Brooklyn BlissEnglishperfect happiness or joy
Brooklyn BlossomEnglishflowerlike, to bloom
Brooklyn BlytheEnglishcheerful, carefree
Brooklyn BobbieEnglishDiminutive form of the name Robert, means bright
Brooklyn BonnieScottishpretty, charming
Brooklyn BraelynEnglishModern invented name, meaning unknown
Brooklyn BrandiEnglishA short form of the name Brandice, meaning burned
Brooklyn BrandyEnglishburned wine
Brooklyn BraxtonEnglishBrock’s town
Brooklyn BrendaNorsesword
Brooklyn BrennaGaelicraven-haired
Brooklyn BriaIrishnoble, strong
Brooklyn BrianaIrishnoble, virtuous
Brooklyn BriannaIrishstrong, virtuous, honorable
Brooklyn BrianneIrishstrong, virtuous, honorable
Brooklyn BridgetIrishstrength, power, vigor
Brooklyn BrielleFrenchGod is my strength
Brooklyn BrigitteFrenchstrength, power
Brooklyn BrinleyEnglishburnt meadow
Brooklyn BrionyEnglishto sprout
Brooklyn BristolEnglishthe meeting place of the bridge
Brooklyn BritneyEnglishfrom Britain
Brooklyn BrittanyEnglishfrom Britain
Brooklyn BrookeEnglisha small stream
Brooklyn BrooklynneEnglishwater, stream
Brooklyn BryanaIrishhigh, noble
Brooklyn BryannaIrishstrong, virtuous, honorable
Brooklyn BrynWelshhill
Brooklyn BrynnWelshhill
Brooklyn BrynneWelshhill
Brooklyn BéatriceFrenchbringer of joy
Brooklyn CadyIrisha rhythmic flow of sounds
Brooklyn CaelanIrishslender
Brooklyn CaitlinIrishpure
Brooklyn CaitlynIrishpure
Brooklyn CalistaGreekmost beautiful
Brooklyn CallieGreekbeautiful
Brooklyn CalypsoGreekshe who conceals
Brooklyn CamilleFrenchYoung ceremonial attendant
Brooklyn CamrynScottishCrooked nose
Brooklyn CaoimheIrishGentle
Brooklyn CaraItalianDear, beloved
Brooklyn CareyIrishDark one
Brooklyn CarinaItalianBeloved, dear
Brooklyn CarisWelshLove
Brooklyn CarlaGermanFree woman
Brooklyn CarlyEnglishFree woman
Brooklyn CarmenSpanishSong
Brooklyn CarolEnglishSong of happiness
Brooklyn CaroleFrenchSong of happiness
Brooklyn CarolinaSpanishStrong
Brooklyn CarolineFrenchStrong
Brooklyn CarolynEnglishSong of happiness
Brooklyn CarrieEnglishFree woman
Brooklyn CarringtonEnglishSettlement of the loved ones
Brooklyn CaseyIrishBrave in battle
Brooklyn CassandraGreekUnheeded prophetess
Brooklyn CassidyIrishClever
Brooklyn CassieGreekUnheeded prophetess
Brooklyn CatalinaSpanishPure
Brooklyn CatherineGreekPure
Brooklyn CathleenIrishPure
Brooklyn CathyGreekPure
Brooklyn CatrionaScottishPure
Brooklyn CaydenceEnglishRhythm
Brooklyn CeceliaLatinBlind
Brooklyn CeciliaLatinBlind
Brooklyn CecilyLatinBlind
Brooklyn CelesteLatinHeavenly
Brooklyn CeliaLatinHeaven
Brooklyn CelinaLatinSky
Brooklyn CelineFrenchHeaven; the Moon
Brooklyn CeriseFrenchCherry
Brooklyn ChanaHebrewGracious
Brooklyn ChandraSanskritMoon
Brooklyn ChanelFrenchCanal
Brooklyn ChantelleFrenchSinging
Brooklyn CharisGreekGrace
Brooklyn CharissaGreekGrace
Brooklyn CharityEnglishGenerosity
Brooklyn CharleneEnglishFree thinker
Brooklyn CharliGermanFree
Brooklyn CharlieEnglishFree
Brooklyn CharlotteFrenchFree
Brooklyn CharmaineFrenchCharm
Brooklyn ChastityEnglishPurity
Brooklyn ChelseaEnglishPort of ships
Brooklyn ChelseyEnglishPort of ships
Brooklyn CherieFrenchDarling
Brooklyn CherishEnglishTo treasure or care for deeply
Brooklyn CherryEnglishSweet fruit
Brooklyn CherylEnglishBeloved
Brooklyn CheyenneNative AmericanUnintelligible
Brooklyn ChiaraItalianClear
Brooklyn ChloéGreekBlooming
Brooklyn ChrissyGreekFollower of Christ
Brooklyn ChristinaGreekChristian
Brooklyn ChristineFrenchChristian
Brooklyn ChristyEnglishFollower of Christ
Brooklyn CiaraIrishDark-haired
Brooklyn CillaLatinBlind
Brooklyn CindyGreekLight
Brooklyn ClairFrenchBright, Clear
Brooklyn ClaireFrenchClear, Bright
Brooklyn ClaraLatinClear, Bright
Brooklyn ClareLatinBright, Clear
Brooklyn ClariceLatinBright, Clear
Brooklyn ClarissaLatinBright, Famous
Brooklyn ClarisseFrenchBright, Clear
Brooklyn ClaudetteFrenchLame
Brooklyn ClaudiaLatinLame
Brooklyn ClementineLatinMerciful
Brooklyn CleoGreekPride
Brooklyn CloverEnglishLucky
Brooklyn CocoSpanishCoconut
Brooklyn ColetteFrenchVictory of the people
Brooklyn ColleenIrishGirl
Brooklyn ConnieEnglishConstancy
Brooklyn ConstanceEnglishSteadfastness
Brooklyn CordeliaLatinHeart
Brooklyn CoriGreekMaiden, Daughter
Brooklyn CorinaLatinMaiden, Daughter
Brooklyn CorinneFrenchMaiden, Daughter
Brooklyn CorneliaLatinHorn
Brooklyn CorrieIrishSeething pool
Brooklyn CourtneyFrenchDomain of Curtis
Brooklyn CristalSpanishCrystal
Brooklyn CrystalGreekIce
Brooklyn CydneyEnglishFrom Cydnus
Brooklyn CynthiaGreekFrom Kynthos
Brooklyn DahliaSwedishValley
Brooklyn DaisyEnglishDay’s eye, a flower
Brooklyn DakotaNative AmericanFriend, ally
Brooklyn DaleEnglishValley
Brooklyn DallasScottishMeadow dwelling
Brooklyn DamarisGreekGentle
Brooklyn DanaEnglishFrom Denmark
Brooklyn DaniHebrewGod is my judge
Brooklyn DanicaSlavicMorning star
Brooklyn DaniellaHebrewGod is my judge
Brooklyn DanielleFrenchFeminine form of Daniel, meaning God is my judge
Brooklyn DaphneGreekLaurel
Brooklyn DarbyIrishFree from envy
Brooklyn DarcyIrishDark one
Brooklyn DariaPersianWealthy
Brooklyn DarianPersianWealthy
Brooklyn DarlaEnglishDear or darling
Brooklyn DarleneEnglishTenderly loved
Brooklyn DavinaScottishBeloved
Brooklyn DawnEnglishFirst appearance of light in the morning
Brooklyn DayaHebrewGift of God
Brooklyn DayanaHindiLight and hope
Brooklyn DaynaIrishFrom Denmark
Brooklyn DeannaEnglishDivine
Brooklyn DebbieHebrewBee
Brooklyn DebbyHebrewBee
Brooklyn DeborahHebrewBee
Brooklyn DebraHebrewBee
Brooklyn DedraGreekSorrowful
Brooklyn DeidreIrishSorrowful one
Brooklyn DelaneyIrishDescendent of the challenger
Brooklyn DeliaGreekFrom Delos, an island in the Aegean sea
Brooklyn DelilahHebrewLanguishing, seductive
Brooklyn DeloresSpanishSorrows
Brooklyn DemiFrenchHalf
Brooklyn DeniseFrenchFrom Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and fertility
Brooklyn DesireeFrenchDesired
Brooklyn DestinyEnglishCertain fortune
Brooklyn DevynIrishPoet
Brooklyn DiamondEnglishUnbreakable or untamed
Brooklyn DianaLatinDivine
Brooklyn DianeFrenchDivine
Brooklyn DiannaLatinDivine
Brooklyn DinaHebrewJudged
Brooklyn DinahHebrewjudged
Brooklyn DionneFrenchdivine
Brooklyn DixieEnglishtenth
Brooklyn DollyEnglishgift of God
Brooklyn DoloresSpanishsorrows
Brooklyn DominiqueFrenchbelonging to God
Brooklyn DonaItalianlady
Brooklyn DonnaItalianlady
Brooklyn DoraGreekgift
Brooklyn DoreenIrishsullen
Brooklyn DorianGreekgift
Brooklyn DorisGreekgift
Brooklyn DorothyGreekgift
Brooklyn DoveEnglishbird
Brooklyn DrusillaLatinfruitful
Brooklyn DulceSpanishsweet
Brooklyn DustyEnglishbrave, valiant
Brooklyn DyanIrishdivine
Brooklyn DylanWelshson of the wave
Brooklyn EabhaIrishlife
Brooklyn EbonyEnglishblack
Brooklyn EchoGreeksound
Brooklyn EdaHebrewrejuvenation
Brooklyn EdanaIrishfiery
Brooklyn EddieEnglishwealthy defender
Brooklyn EdelineEnglishnoble
Brooklyn EdenHebrewdelight, paradise
Brooklyn EdieEnglishrich gift
Brooklyn EdithEnglishrich gift
Brooklyn EdnaHebrewpleasure
Brooklyn EdwinaEnglishwealthy friend
Brooklyn EffieGreekwell-spoken
Brooklyn EileenGaelicbright, shining
Brooklyn EilidhGaeliclight
Brooklyn EilishIrishconsecrated to God
Brooklyn EimearGaelicswift
Brooklyn ElainaGreekbright, shining
Brooklyn ElaineFrenchbright, shining
Brooklyn ElanaHebrewoak tree
Brooklyn ElaynaGreekbright, shining
Brooklyn EleanorEnglishbright, shining
Brooklyn EleanoraSpanishlight
Brooklyn EleanoreFrenchlight
Brooklyn ElectraGreekshining
Brooklyn ElenaGreekLight
Brooklyn EleniGreekTorch
Brooklyn EleonoraGreekLight
Brooklyn ElianaHebrewMy God has answered
Brooklyn ElinWelshTorch
Brooklyn ElinorEnglishCompassionate
Brooklyn ElisaHebrewMy God is salvation
Brooklyn ElisabethHebrewGod is my oath
Brooklyn EliseFrenchPledged to God
Brooklyn ElizaHebrewMy God is bountiful
Brooklyn ElizabethHebrewGod is my oath
Brooklyn EllaEnglishBeautiful fairy woman
Brooklyn EllenGreekTorch
Brooklyn EllieEnglishBright shining one
Brooklyn EllisEnglishThe Lord is my God
Brooklyn EllyEnglishLight
Brooklyn ElodieFrenchMarsh flower
Brooklyn EloiseFrenchHealthy, wide
Brooklyn ElouiseFrenchFamous warrior
Brooklyn ElsaHebrewGod is my oath
Brooklyn ElsieScottishPledged to God
Brooklyn ElspethScottishPledged to God
Brooklyn ElvaIrishWhite
Brooklyn ElviraSpanishTrue to all
Brooklyn EmberEnglishSpark
Brooklyn EmeraldEnglishBright green gemstone
Brooklyn EmersonEnglishBrave and powerful
Brooklyn EmeryGermanicIndustrious ruler
Brooklyn EmileeEnglishIndustrious
Brooklyn EmiliaLatinRival
Brooklyn EmilieGermanicIndustrious
Brooklyn EmilyLatinIndustrious
Brooklyn EmmaGermanicWhole or universal
Brooklyn EmmalineGermanicWork
Brooklyn EmmelineGermanicWork
Brooklyn EmmyEnglishUniversal
Brooklyn EnidWelshSoul or life force
Brooklyn EnyaIrishLittle fire
Brooklyn EowynEnglishHorse joy
Brooklyn EphraimHebrewFruitful
Brooklyn ErisGreekStrife
Brooklyn ErynIrishIreland
Brooklyn EsmeFrenchTo love
Brooklyn EsperanzaSpanishHope
Brooklyn EstellaLatinStar
Brooklyn EstelleFrenchStar
Brooklyn EstherPersianStar
Brooklyn EttaEnglishRuler of the household
Brooklyn EudoraGreekGood gift
Brooklyn EugeniaGreekWell born
Brooklyn EulaGreekSweetly speaking
Brooklyn EulaliaGreekSweetly speaking
Brooklyn EuniceGreekGood victory
Brooklyn EuphemiaGreekWell spoken
Brooklyn EuridiceGreekJustice seeker
Brooklyn EurydiceGreekwide justice
Brooklyn EvaHebrewlife
Brooklyn EvanWelshyoung warrior
Brooklyn EvangelineGreekbearer of good news
Brooklyn EvannaIrishyoung fighter
Brooklyn EveHebrewlife
Brooklyn EvelinaLatinwished-for child
Brooklyn EvelynEnglishwished-for child
Brooklyn EvieHebrewlife
Brooklyn EvitaSpanishlife
Brooklyn FabianaLatinbean grower
Brooklyn FabienneFrenchbean grower
Brooklyn FaeEnglishfairy
Brooklyn FaithEnglishfaith, trust
Brooklyn FallonIrishleader
Brooklyn FannyLatinfree one
Brooklyn FarrahArabichappiness
Brooklyn FatimaArabicto abstain
Brooklyn FawnEnglishyoung deer
Brooklyn FayEnglishfairy
Brooklyn FayeEnglishfairy
Brooklyn FelicityLatinhappiness
Brooklyn FelipaSpanishlover of horses
Brooklyn FennaDutchpeace
Brooklyn FernEnglishfern plant
Brooklyn FernandaSpanishadventurous
Brooklyn FideliaLatinfaithful
Brooklyn FifiFrenchJehovah increases (short form of Josephine)
Brooklyn FinlayIrishfair warrior
Brooklyn FinnIrishfair
Brooklyn FionaIrishfair
Brooklyn FionnualaIrishwhite shoulder
Brooklyn FlanneryIrishred bravery
Brooklyn FloraLatinflower
Brooklyn FlorenceLatinflourishing, prosperous
Brooklyn FlorrieLatinflower
Brooklyn FlossieLatinflower
Brooklyn FranLatinfree one
Brooklyn FrancesLatinfree one
Brooklyn FrancescaItalianfrom France
Brooklyn FrancineFrenchfrom France
Brooklyn FrankieLatinfree one
Brooklyn FrankiLatinfree one
Brooklyn FredaGermanpeaceful ruler
Brooklyn FreyaNorsegoddess of love, fertility, war, and death
Brooklyn FridaGermanpeaceful ruler
Brooklyn GabbyHebrewGod’s able-bodied one
Brooklyn GabrielaHebrewGod’s able-bodied one
Brooklyn GabriellaHebrewGod’s able-bodied one
Brooklyn GabrielleHebrewGod’s able-bodied one
Brooklyn GailHebrewFather’s Joy
Brooklyn GalinaRussianCalm, tranquil
Brooklyn GenaHebrewGarden of the Lord
Brooklyn GenevieveFrenchWhite wave
Brooklyn GeorgieGreekFarmer, earthworker
Brooklyn GeraldineGermanRuler with the spear
Brooklyn GerdaOld NorseProtected
Brooklyn GeriScandinavianRuler with the spear
Brooklyn GermaineFrenchFrom Germany
Brooklyn GerryGermanRuler with the spear
Brooklyn GiaItalianGod is gracious
Brooklyn GiannaItalianGod is gracious
Brooklyn GigiFrenchPledge of God
Brooklyn GillianLatinYouthful
Brooklyn GinaItalianQueen
Brooklyn GinevraItalianWhite wave
Brooklyn GinnieLatinVirgin
Brooklyn GinnyEnglishVirgin
Brooklyn GiovannaItalianGod is gracious
Brooklyn GiselleGermanPledge
Brooklyn GisselleFrenchPledge of God
Brooklyn GiuseppinaItalianGod will add
Brooklyn GladysWelshPrincess
Brooklyn GlendaWelshHoly, good
Brooklyn GlennaScottishValley, glen
Brooklyn GloriaLatinGlory
Brooklyn GoldaYiddishGold
Brooklyn GoldieEnglishGold
Brooklyn GraceLatinGrace
Brooklyn GracelynEnglishGraceful
Brooklyn GracieLatinGrace
Brooklyn GráinneIrishLove
Brooklyn GretchenGermanPearl
Brooklyn GretaGermanPearl
Brooklyn GretelGermanPearl
Brooklyn GrierScottishWatchful, vigilant
Brooklyn GuadalupeSpanishValley of the wolf
Brooklyn GwendolynWelshBlessed ring
Brooklyn GwenythWelshBlessed, happy
Brooklyn GwynethWelshBlessed, happy
Brooklyn HaddieHebrewmyrtle tree
Brooklyn HadleyEnglishheather meadow
Brooklyn HailieEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HaileeEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HaileyEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HaleighEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HaleyEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HalleScandinavianrock or home ruler
Brooklyn HallieEnglishdweller at the hall meadow
Brooklyn HanaHebrew/Japaneseflower
Brooklyn HannahHebrewgrace
Brooklyn HarleeEnglishhare meadow
Brooklyn HarleyEnglishhare meadow
Brooklyn HarlowEnglishhare hill or army hill
Brooklyn HarperEnglishharp player or one who harps
Brooklyn HarrietGermanruler of the household
Brooklyn HarriettGermanruler of the household
Brooklyn HarrietteGermanruler of the household
Brooklyn HattieEnglishruler of the household
Brooklyn HaydenEnglishhay valley
Brooklyn HayleeEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HayleyEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HaylieEnglishhay clearing
Brooklyn HazelEnglishhazel tree
Brooklyn HeatherEnglishflowering evergreen plant
Brooklyn HeavenEnglishparadise or heavenly
Brooklyn HeidiGermannoble or of a noble kind
Brooklyn HelenGreektorch or bright one
Brooklyn HelenaGreekbright or shining light
Brooklyn HeleneGreektorch or bright one
Brooklyn HenriettaGermanruler of the household
Brooklyn HepsieGreekdelight
Brooklyn HeraGreekqueen or lady
Brooklyn HermioneGreekmessenger
Brooklyn HesterGreekstar or myrtle leaf
Brooklyn HettyEnglishruler of the household
Brooklyn HildaGermanbattle woman or battle maid
Brooklyn HildegardGermanbattle guard or protector
Brooklyn HillaryLatincheerful or joyful
Brooklyn HollieEnglishhollow or the holly tree
Brooklyn HollyEnglishhollow or the holly tree
Brooklyn HonorEnglishhonor or dignity
Brooklyn HonoraIrishHonor, respect
Brooklyn HopeEnglishOptimism, faith, aspiration
Brooklyn HortenseLatinGarden, orchard
Brooklyn HunterEnglishHunter, one who hunts
Brooklyn HyacinthGreekFlower
Brooklyn HypatiaGreekHighest, supreme
Brooklyn IantheGreekViolet flower
Brooklyn IdaGermanicProsperous, hardworking
Brooklyn IdinaHebrewGentle
Brooklyn IfeomaIgboSomething good has come, a blessing
Brooklyn IlaSanskritEarth, speech, goddess
Brooklyn IlanaHebrewTree
Brooklyn IleneGreekLight
Brooklyn IlianaGreekBright, shining
Brooklyn IlonaHungarianBright, shining
Brooklyn ImeldaGermanicUniversal power, whole battle
Brooklyn ImogenGaelicBeloved child
Brooklyn ImogeneGaelicMaiden
Brooklyn InaGermanicCleanliness
Brooklyn IndiaEnglishCountry in South Asia
Brooklyn IndianaNative AmericanLand of the Indians, state in the US
Brooklyn IndigoEnglishBlue-purple color
Brooklyn IndiraSanskritBeauty, splendor
Brooklyn InesSpanishPure, chaste
Brooklyn InezSpanishPure, chaste
Brooklyn IngridNorseBeauty
Brooklyn IolaGreekViolet-colored dawn
Brooklyn IonaGreekPurple jewel
Brooklyn IoneGreekViolet flower
Brooklyn IrenaGreekPeace
Brooklyn IreneGreekPeace
Brooklyn IrisGreekRainbow, messenger of the gods
Brooklyn IrmaGermanicUniversal, complete
Brooklyn IrinaGreekPeace
Brooklyn IsabellFrenchDevoted to God
Brooklyn IsabellaItalianDevoted to God
Brooklyn IsabelleFrenchDevoted to God
Brooklyn IsadoraGreekGift of Isis
Brooklyn IslaScottishIsland
ScottishDevoted to God
Brooklyn ItaliaItalianItaly
Brooklyn ItzelMayanRainbow lady
Brooklyn IvanaSlavicGod is gracious
Brooklyn IvannaSlavicGod is gracious
Brooklyn IvyEnglishType of climbing plant
Brooklyn IzabellaItalianDevoted to God
Brooklyn IzabelleFrenchDevoted to God
Brooklyn JacindaGreekHyacinth flower
Brooklyn JacintaSpanishHyacinth flower
Brooklyn JadeSpanishPrecious green stone
Brooklyn KateGreekPure, clear
Brooklyn KayGreekRejoice, happy
Brooklyn KendallEnglishValley of the River Kent
Brooklyn KennedyIrishHelmeted chief
Brooklyn KieraIrishLittle dark one
Brooklyn KimKoreanGold
Brooklyn KimberlyEnglishFrom the wood of the royal forest
Brooklyn KirstenScandinavianFollower of Christ
Brooklyn KylaGaelicNarrow strait
Brooklyn KyleeGaelicNarrow strait
Brooklyn KylieAustralianBoomerang
Brooklyn LaineFrenchPath
Brooklyn LaneEnglishPathway
Brooklyn LaraRussianFamous one
Brooklyn LaurelLatinLaurel tree
Brooklyn LaylaArabicNight
Brooklyn LeaHawaiianClearing
Brooklyn LeahHebrewWeary
Brooklyn LeighEnglishClearing
Brooklyn LeilaniHawaiianHeavenly garland of flowers
Brooklyn LennoxScottishField of elm trees
Brooklyn LexiGreekDefender
Brooklyn LexieGreekDefender
Brooklyn LibertyEnglishFreedom
Brooklyn LilahArabicNight
Brooklyn LilaPersianPurple
Brooklyn LillianEnglishLily flower
Brooklyn LillyEnglishLily flower
Brooklyn LilyEnglishLily flower
Brooklyn LinaArabicTender
Brooklyn LiviaLatinOlive tree
Brooklyn LoganScottishSmall hollow
Brooklyn LolaSpanishSorrows
Brooklyn LondonEnglishFrom the great river
Brooklyn LoreleiGermanAlluring enchantress
Brooklyn LuciaItalianLight
Brooklyn LucianaItalianLight
Brooklyn LucilleFrenchLight
Brooklyn LucyEnglishLight
Brooklyn LunaSpanishMoon
Brooklyn LylaEnglishNight
Brooklyn LyraGreekLyre
Brooklyn MadisonEnglishSon of Matthew
Brooklyn MaeEnglishMay
Brooklyn MaeveIrishIntoxicating
Brooklyn MagdaleneGreekWoman of Magdala
Brooklyn MagnoliaLatinMagnol’s flower
Brooklyn MaisieScottishPearl
Brooklyn MaliaHawaiianCalm, peaceful
Brooklyn MalloryFrenchUnlucky
Brooklyn MaraHebrewBitter
Brooklyn MariahHebrewBitter
Brooklyn MarieFrenchBitterness or Wished-for child
Brooklyn MarinaLatinOf the sea
Brooklyn MarleyEnglishFrom the lake meadow
Brooklyn MaryHebrewBitter
Brooklyn MatildaGermanMighty in battle
Brooklyn MaxineLatinGreatest
Brooklyn MayaSanskritIllusion or Goddess of spring
Brooklyn MckennaIrishSon of Cionaodh
Brooklyn MeadowEnglishGrassy field
Brooklyn MeganWelshPearl
Brooklyn MelinaGreekHoney
Brooklyn MelissaGreekHoney bee
Brooklyn MelodyGreekMusic
Brooklyn MercyEnglishCompassion
Brooklyn MeredithWelshGreat ruler
Brooklyn MiaItalianMine
Brooklyn MichaelaHebrewWho is like God
Brooklyn MichelleFrenchWho is like God
Brooklyn MikaylaHebrewWho is like God
Brooklyn MilaSlavicGracious or Dear
Brooklyn MileyEnglishFrom the field
Brooklyn MilenaSlavicGracious or Dear
Brooklyn MillieEnglishGentle strength
Brooklyn MiraSanskritOcean or Wonderful
Brooklyn MirandaLatinWorthy of admiration
Brooklyn MollyIrishStar of the sea
Brooklyn MonroeScottishMouth of the Roe River
Brooklyn MorganWelshSea-born or Bright, white sea dweller
Brooklyn MyaGreekGreat one or Mother
Brooklyn NadiaRussianHope
Brooklyn NaomiHebrewPleasantness
Brooklyn NataliaLatinBorn on Christmas day
Brooklyn NatalieLatinBorn on Christmas day
Brooklyn NatashaRussianBirthday of the Lord
Brooklyn NayaNative AmericanYounger sister
Brooklyn NevaehEnglishHeaven spelled backwards
Brooklyn NicoletteFrenchVictory of the people
Brooklyn NolaIrishFamous
Brooklyn NoelleFrenchChristmas
Brooklyn NoemiHebrewPleasantness
Brooklyn NoraIrishHonor or Light
Brooklyn NovaLatinNew
Brooklyn OdetteFrenchWealthy or Prosperous
Brooklyn OliveEnglishOlive tree
Brooklyn OliviaLatinOlive tree
Brooklyn OpheliaGreekHelp or Serpent
Brooklyn PaigeEnglishPage or Attendant
Brooklyn PaisleyScottishChurch
Brooklyn PalomaSpanishDove
Brooklyn ParisGreekWager
Brooklyn ParkerEnglishKeeper of the park
Brooklyn PatienceEnglishEnduring without complaint
Brooklyn PaulinaLatinLittle, small
Brooklyn PearlEnglishPearl
Brooklyn PenelopeGreekWeaver
Brooklyn PeytonEnglishFrom Pacca’s town
Brooklyn PhoenixGreekDark red, purple
Brooklyn PiperEnglishFlute player
Brooklyn PoppyEnglishPoppy
Brooklyn PresleyEnglishFrom the priest’s meadow
Brooklyn PrimroseEnglishFirst rose
Brooklyn PriscillaLatinAncient, venerable
Brooklyn PromiseEnglishPromise
Brooklyn QuinnIrishDescendant of Conn
Brooklyn RachelHebrewEwe, female sheep
Brooklyn RaeEnglishDoe, female deer
Brooklyn RaeganIrishDescendant of Riagan
Brooklyn RaelynnAmericanCombination of Rae and Lynn
Brooklyn RainaSlavicQueen, pure
Brooklyn RamonaSpanishWise protector
Brooklyn RaynaSpanishQueenly, wise protector
Brooklyn ReaganIrishDescendant of Riagan
Brooklyn ReeseWelshFiery, enthusiastic
Brooklyn RemiFrenchOarsman
Brooklyn ReneeFrenchReborn
Brooklyn RemyFrenchOarsman
Brooklyn RenataLatinReborn
Brooklyn RheaGreekFlowing stream, ease, power
Brooklyn RhysWelshArdent, fiery, enthusiastic
Brooklyn RileyIrishValiant, courageous
Brooklyn RiverEnglishStream, river
Brooklyn RivieraItalianCoastline, shore
Brooklyn RobynEnglishBright fame
Brooklyn RochelleFrenchLittle rock
Brooklyn RosalindGermanGentle horse
Brooklyn RosalynEnglishPretty rose
Brooklyn RoseLatinRose
Brooklyn RoselynEnglishLittle rose
Brooklyn RosemaryLatinDew of the sea, rosemary plant
Brooklyn RowanIrishDescendant of Ruadhan
Brooklyn RowenaGermanFame and happiness
Brooklyn RubyEnglishRed gemstone
Brooklyn RuthHebrewCompanion, friend
Brooklyn RyanIrishDescendant of Riain (little king/king)
Brooklyn SabrinaLatinFrom the River Severn
Brooklyn SageLatinWise, having wisdom
Brooklyn SaigeLatinWise, having wisdom
Brooklyn SamanthaHebrewListener, heard by God
Brooklyn SamaraHebrewUnder God’s rule, protected by God
Brooklyn SamiraArabicEntertaining companion, pleasant company
Brooklyn SammieHebrewListener, heard by God
Brooklyn SammyHebrewListener, heard by God
Brooklyn SandraGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn SandyGreekDefender of mankind
Brooklyn SapphireGreekBlue gemstone
Brooklyn SaraHebrewPrincess
Brooklyn SarahHebrewPrincess
Brooklyn SashaRussianDefender of mankind
Brooklyn SavannahSpanishFlat tropical grassland
Brooklyn ScarlettEnglishRed
Brooklyn SelenaSpanishMoon goddess
Brooklyn SerenaLatinTranquil, serene
Brooklyn SerenityLatinPeaceful, calm
Brooklyn ShayIrishFrom the fairy fort
Brooklyn ShilohHebrewTranquil, peaceful
Brooklyn SierraSpanishSaw-like mountain range
Brooklyn SkyeScottishIsle of Skye
Brooklyn SkylarDutchScholar, learned person
Brooklyn SloaneIrishFighter, warrior
Brooklyn SofiaGreekWisdom, skill
Brooklyn SolangeFrenchDignified, solemn
Brooklyn SoleilFrenchSun
Brooklyn SophiaGreekWisdom, skill
Brooklyn SophieGreekWisdom, skill
Brooklyn SorayaPersianPrincess, star
Brooklyn SpencerEnglishDispenser of provisions
Brooklyn StaceyGreekResurrection, to stand up
Brooklyn StellaLatinStar
Brooklyn StephanieGreekCrowned one
Brooklyn SummerEnglishSummer season
Brooklyn SunnyEnglishBright, cheerful
Brooklyn SusanHebrewLily
Brooklyn SydneyEnglishWide meadow
Brooklyn SylvieLatinOf the forest
Brooklyn TabithaAramaicGazelle
Brooklyn TahliaHebrewMorning dew
Brooklyn TaliaHebrewDew from God
Brooklyn TamaraHebrewPalm tree
Brooklyn TamsinEnglishTwin
Brooklyn TaniaRussianFairy Queen
Brooklyn TanyaRussianFairy queen
Brooklyn TaraIrishTower
Brooklyn TarynIrishRocky hill
Brooklyn TatumEnglishCheerful, full of spirit
Brooklyn TaylorEnglishTailor
Brooklyn TeaganIrishPoet
Brooklyn TeganWelshFair, beautiful
Brooklyn TessaGreekHarvest
Brooklyn ThaliaGreekFlourishing; to blossom
Brooklyn TheaGreekGoddess
Brooklyn TheresaGreekReaper; to harvest
Brooklyn TiffanyGreekAppearance of God
Brooklyn TinaGreekNoble; gracious
Brooklyn ToriJapaneseBird; victory
Brooklyn TrinityLatinThree-fold
Brooklyn TrixieEnglishBringer of joy
Brooklyn UmaSanskritFairy Queen
Brooklyn ValentinaLatinStrong; healthy
Brooklyn ValerieLatinStrong; valiant
Brooklyn VanessaGreekButterfly
Brooklyn VedaSanskritKnowledge; wisdom
Brooklyn VegaSpanishMeadow; plain
Brooklyn VeraRussianFaith; truth; victory
Brooklyn VeronicaLatinTrue image
Brooklyn VickyLatinVictorious
Brooklyn VictoriaLatinVictory
Brooklyn ViennaLatinFrom Wine Country
Brooklyn ViolaLatinViolet
Brooklyn VioletLatinPurple flower
Brooklyn VirginiaLatinPure; chaste
Brooklyn VivianLatinFull of life
Brooklyn VivienneFrenchLively; animated
Brooklyn WaverlyEnglishQuaking aspen tree
Brooklyn WhitneyEnglishWhite Island
Brooklyn WillaGermanResolute protection
Brooklyn WillowEnglishGraceful; slender
Brooklyn WinterEnglishWinter season
Brooklyn WrenEnglishSmall bird
Brooklyn XantheGreekYellow; blonde
Brooklyn XimenaSpanishHearkening; listening
Brooklyn YaraArabicSmall butterfly
Brooklyn YasminPersianJasmine
Brooklyn YvetteFrenchYew tree
Brooklyn YvonneFrenchYew tree
Brooklyn ZaharaArabicFlowering
Brooklyn ZaraArabicPrincess
Brooklyn ZariaArabicPrincess
Brooklyn ZayleeArabicSweetheart
Brooklyn ZeldaYiddishGrey warrior
Brooklyn ZellaItalianLittle rock
Brooklyn ZephyrGreekWest wind
Brooklyn ZinniaLatinFlower name
Brooklyn ZolaItalianLump of earth
Brooklyn ZoraSlavicDawn; aurora
Brooklyn ZuriSwahiliBeautiful

Nickname Ideas for Brooklyn

If you’ve named your little girl Brooklyn, you may be looking for a fun and unique nickname to call her. We’ve compiled a list of creative nickname ideas for Brooklyn to help you find the perfect moniker for your little one.

Here are some nickname ideas for Brooklyn:

  1. Brook
  2. Brookie
  3. B
  4. Bee
  5. Brooklynne
  6. Lyn
  7. Lynnie
  8. Lynne
  9. Brooky
  10. Brookster
  11. Brooklynator
  12. Brooski
  13. Brooky Bear
  14. Brooky Boo
  15. B-Rok
  16. Brooklet
  17. Brooksy
  18. Brooky-Poo
  19. Brooky-Lou
  20. B-Dawg
  21. B-Rose
  22. B-Ro
  23. Brook-Bag

Meaning of Brooklyn & History

Brooklyn is a unisex name of English origin. The meaning of the name is derived from the Old English words “broc” (meaning “brook” or “stream”) and “lÄ“ah” (meaning “woodland” or “clearing”), and it originally referred to a village near the river or stream.

Brooklyn has been used as a gender-neutral name in the United States since the late 19th century. 

It became more popular as a first name for girls in the 1990s and 2000s, likely due to its association with the trendy New York City borough of Brooklyn.

Famous Brooklyns

The name has also been used in popular culture, such as in the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, published in 1943 and later adapted into a film in 1945. 

In recent years, the name has been used by several famous people for their children, including Victoria and David Beckham, who named their son Brooklyn in 1999.

Brooklyn Name Popularity

In recent years, Brooklyn has been a popular name for girls in the United States. Here are some statistics on its popularity:

  • According to the Social Security Administration, Brooklyn was the 63rd most popular name for girls in the United States in 2021.
  • Brooklyn broke the top 100 names for girls in 2005 and has ranked consistently as one of the best first names since then.
  • Brooklyn peaked in popularity in 2011, when it was the 21st most popular name for girls. 7,172 newborns were named Brooklyn that year, accounting for 0.370 percent of all female births.


  • Cam Russo

    Cam is a blogger, author, and content strategist with a keen love for the written word. His journey with high-functioning autism has kindled a strong advocacy for autism awareness. Today, Cam dedicates his efforts to educating parents. He sees laughter as a game-changer in learning, and strives every day to make education a fun and enjoyable journey for all his readers.

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