Can I Get Dental X-Rays While Pregnant?

pregnant woman getting dental x rays

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and excitement, but it brings many concerns and questions.

One such area of concern is dental care during pregnancy. You might wonder if dental X-rays are safe for you and your unborn child.

This article will provide comprehensive information on the safety of dental X-rays during pregnancy and the precautions to take.

Types of Dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays, or radiographs, are essential diagnostic tools in dentistry. They help identify issues that may not be visible during a clinical examination.

There are different types of dental X-rays, including:

  1. Bitewing X-rays, which show the upper and lower back teeth and help detect cavities between teeth and bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease.
  2. Periapical X-rays, which focus on one or two teeth at a time and reveal the entire tooth, from the crown to the root and surrounding bone.
  3. Panoramic X-rays, which provide a broad view of the entire mouth, including the teeth, jaws, sinuses, and temporomandibular (TMJ) joints.

Source: The Cleveland Clinic

Common reasons for dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays are critical in diagnosing various oral health issues, such as:

  • Tooth decay and cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Abscesses and infections
  • Impacted teeth
  • Jaw disorders and abnormalities
  • Oral cancer

Dental X-Rays & diagnosing oral health issues

Dental X-rays provide valuable information that helps dentists diagnose, treat, and prevent dental problems.

They reveal hidden dental structures, such as wisdom teeth and bone loss, which may not be apparent during a routine dental examination.

This early detection is crucial in addressing oral health issues before they become severe and cause significant discomfort or complications.

Pregnancy & Dental X-Rays: What the Research Says

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the safety of dental X-rays during pregnancy.

Most of these studies have focused on the potential risks of radiation exposure to the fetus.

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) agree that dental X-rays can be performed safely during pregnancy with proper shielding.

They recommend that pregnant women continue routine dental care, including x-rays if necessary, to maintain good oral health.

Importance of informing dental provider about pregnancy

If you are pregnant or suspect that you might be pregnant, it is crucial to inform your dentist or dental hygienist.

This will allow them to take additional precautions to minimize radiation exposure and ensure your and your unborn child’s safety.

Lead aprons and thyroid collars

Dental healthcare providers should use lead aprons and thyroid collars during X-ray procedures to minimize fetal radiation exposure.

These protective devices help shield the abdomen and thyroid gland from radiation, reducing the risk of harm to the developing baby.

Alternative dental diagnostic methods during pregnancy

Sometimes, your dentist may suggest alternative diagnostic methods during pregnancy, such as intraoral cameras or transillumination.

These techniques offer a non-radiographic means of assessing dental health and may be suitable for cases where dental X-rays may not be essential.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding dental X-rays and pregnancy. Some believe dental X-rays harm the fetus and should be avoided at all costs.

However, as mentioned earlier, the radiation exposure from dental X-rays is minimal, and the risk of harm to the fetus is very low.

Radiation exposure & harm to the fetus

While it is natural to worry about radiation exposure during pregnancy, it is essential to remember that dental X-rays’ radiation dose is relatively low.

With appropriate shielding, the risk of harm to the fetus is minimal.

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Importance of Oral Health During Pregnancy

Maintaining good oral health is crucial during pregnancy, as it can impact both the mother’s and the baby’s overall health.

Studies have shown that poor oral health during pregnancy may be associated with preterm birth, low birth weight, and even preeclampsia.

Risks of untreated dental issues during pregnancy

Untreated dental issues during pregnancy can lead to pain, infection, and other complications.

Moreover, hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of gum disease, which can have severe consequences for both the mother and the baby.

Dental care recommendations for pregnant women

Pregnant women should prioritize their oral health and follow these recommendations:

  • Maintain a regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and using a fluoride mouthwash.
  • Visit the dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings.
  • Inform the dentist of your pregnancy and discuss any concerns or questions.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid sugary snacks and beverages.
  • Seek prompt dental treatment if you experience any oral health issues.


Dental X-rays during pregnancy are generally considered safe, with minimal risk to the fetus when appropriate shielding is used.

Prioritize your oral health during pregnancy and consult your dental healthcare provider to determine the best action for your situation.

By making informed decisions and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure your overall well-being and that of your baby.



  • Cam Russo

    Cam is a blogger, author, and content strategist with a keen love for the written word. His journey with high-functioning autism has kindled a strong advocacy for autism awareness. Today, Cam dedicates his efforts to educating parents. He sees laughter as a game-changer in learning, and strives every day to make education a fun and enjoyable journey for all his readers.