When to Stop Using a Velcro Swaddle

baby in velcro swaddle

Welcoming a newborn into your life is one of the most exciting experiences parents can have, but with it comes a lot of responsibility, including ensuring their safety and comfort. 

Swaddling is one way to help your baby feel secure and sleep better, and Velcro swaddles have become a popular option for many parents.

Velcro swaddles are easy to use, but like any other baby product, there comes a time when it’s no longer safe to use them. 

In this article, we’ll discuss when it’s appropriate to stop using Velcro swaddles and why it’s essential to transition to other forms of sleepwear.

Benefits of Swaddling

Swaddling is wrapping a newborn baby snugly in a cloth or blanket to provide comfort and security. The benefits of swaddling include the following:

Better Sleep: Swaddling can help calm newborns and prevent them from startling themselves awake with their movements. This leads to longer and more restful sleep for both the baby and the parents.

Reduced Crying: Swaddling can soothe fussy babies and reduce crying by providing security and comfort. It may also help reduce colic symptoms and promote digestion.

Comfort: Swaddling can mimic the feeling of being in the womb and provide warmth and security for the baby.

There are different types of swaddles available in the market, including:

Traditional Swaddle Blankets: These large blankets are folded and wrapped around the baby to create a snug swaddle. They are versatile and can be used in various ways, but they can be challenging to master and may come undone easily.

Velcro Swaddles: These have velcro straps that make it easy to wrap the baby securely and quickly. They are easy to use and may be more secure than traditional swaddle blankets, but they may be less versatile and more expensive.

Advantages of velcro swaddles

  • Easy to use: Velcro swaddles are easy to use and take less time to wrap the baby securely.
  • Secure: The velcro straps make the swaddle more secure and less likely to come undone.

Disadvantages of velcro swaddles

  • Less versatile: Velcro swaddles may be less versatile than traditional swaddle blankets as they may not fit babies of all sizes and may not be suitable for different swaddling positions.
  • More expensive: Velcro swaddles can be more costly than traditional swaddle blankets.
  • Velcro noise: Velcro swaddles can make a loud noise when the velcro straps are opened or closed, which may disturb the baby’s sleep.

When to Stop Using Velcro Swaddle

There will eventually come a time when it’s necessary to stop using the velcro swaddle. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to stop using the velcro swaddle:

Babies typically start showing signs of readiness to transition out of swaddling at different times, but here are some examples of when you might expect to see these signs:

Rolling Over: Most babies start rolling over around 4-6 months of age, although some babies may start earlier or later.

Stronger Startle Reflex: The startle reflex typically decreases around 2-3 months of age.

Increased Mobility: Babies may become more mobile and wiggle out of the swaddle around 3-4 months.

Signs of Discomfort: Babies may start showing discomfort around 2-3 months of age.

Age: Most babies are ready to transition from swaddling between 2-4 months.

It’s important to stop swaddling when it becomes unsafe for the baby. Swaddling can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) if the baby rolls over onto their stomach while swaddled.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it safe for a baby to sleep in a Velcro swaddle?

Yes, it is generally safe for a baby to sleep in a velcro swaddle. However, following safe sleep practices and monitoring your baby closely is essential to ensure that the swaddle does not become a suffocation or entrapment hazard. 

How long do you use a Velcro swaddle?

Most babies are ready to transition out of swaddling between 2-4 months when they start showing signs of increased mobility, such as rolling over or a stronger startle reflex.

Is Velcro safe for babies?

Velcro is safe for babies when used appropriately and under adult supervision. Velcro swaddles and other products with Velcro closures are designed and tested to be safe for use with infants. However, it’s important to ensure that the Velcro is not too tight or uncomfortable for the baby and to monitor the baby closely while using the product to prevent entrapment or suffocation hazards.

How tight should a Velcro swaddle be?

A Velcro swaddle should be snug enough to make your baby feel secure and comfortable while allowing them to move their legs freely and breathe comfortably. You should avoid making it too tight to avoid causing discomfort or restricting your baby’s movement or breathing.

How do I keep my baby from breaking out of my Velcro swaddle?

To keep your baby from breaking out of a Velcro swaddle, ensure the swaddle fits properly, use the Velcro tabs correctly, swaddle your baby tightly, consider a different type of swaddle, and watch for signs of discomfort.


To new parents, it’s important to trust your instincts and pay attention to your baby’s cues. Every baby is different and may be ready to stop using the swaddle at different times. 

It’s important to adjust accordingly and transition to a safer sleeping arrangement, such as a wearable blanket or sleep sack.

As your baby grows and develops, their sleep needs will also change, and it’s important to stay informed and adjust your sleep practices accordingly to ensure your baby’s safety and comfort.

Remember, you’re doing your best, and your love and care for your baby are what matters most.


  • Cam Russo

    Cam is a blogger, author, and content strategist with a keen love for the written word. His journey with high-functioning autism has kindled a strong advocacy for autism awareness. Today, Cam dedicates his efforts to educating parents. He sees laughter as a game-changer in learning, and strives every day to make education a fun and enjoyable journey for all his readers.