Baby Won’t Sleep

When is the Right Time to Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

Cam Russo
When is the Right Time to Stop Swaddling Your Baby? When is the Right Time to Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

When is the right time to stop swaddling your baby? It’s probably become somewhat routine already…hanging up the ol’ pacifier then putting the baby down in the crib, snug as a bug in a rug.

Swaddling can be an invaluable tool for soothing a baby and promoting sleep. It helps keep the baby warm, comfortable, and secure, allowing parents to rest easy knowing their little one is safe. 

But there comes a time when it’s important to stop swaddling your infant so they can begin the transition to sleeping independently

Knowing when this time has come is key in ensuring your child’s health and well-being. 

In this article, we will discuss the signs that it’s time to stop swaddling your baby, such as when they start showing signs of rolling over or have outgrown their swaddle blanket. 

We will also provide tips on transitioning from swaddling to independent sleeping so you can help ensure a smooth transition for you and your little one!

Signs It’s Time To Stop Swaddling Your Baby

As your baby grows, it’s essential to understand when it’s time to stop swaddling your little one.

There are a few telltale signs you can look out for to determine if transitioning away from swaddling is best.

Let’s take a look!

1. Your baby has outgrown their swaddle blanket

As babies grow, their limbs become too long for the width of a swaddle blanket. This means that the blanket is no longer providing the security and warmth it once did.

If your baby shows signs of outgrowing their swaddle blanket, it’s time to transition them from swaddling to independent sleeping.

2. Your baby is showing signs of rolling over

If your baby starts rolling over in their sleep, this can signify that it’s time to stop swaddling them.

Swaddling can make it difficult for babies to move around, and when they start rolling over in their sleep it can cause the blanket to become loose or tangled, which increases the risk of suffocation.

3. Your baby is showing signs of discomfort

If your baby is showing signs of discomfort when swaddling or seems to act startled, this could be a sign that it’s time to stop swaddling..

Babies may also start to fight the blanket and try to roll over on their own as another sign that they are ready to transition from swaddling.

4. Your baby is older than 2 months. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents stop swaddling their babies when they are 2 months old.

At this age, babies typically start to roll over, and swaddling can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

5. Your baby is trying to escape the swaddle. 

If your baby is constantly trying to escape from their swaddle, it’s a sign that they are ready to be free.

Babies typically do this when they are around 2 months old and are becoming more active.

6. Your baby seems uncomfortable in the swaddle. 

If your baby seems uncomfortable or unhappy while they are swaddled, it’s a sign that it’s time to stop.

Some babies may cry or fuss when initially swaddled but should settle down after a few minutes.

If your baby continues to cry or fuss, it’s not a good idea to continue swaddling them.

7. Your baby wakes up more often at night. 

If your baby was sleeping through the night but now is waking up more often, it could be a sign that they are no longer comfortable being swaddled.

Try stopping the swaddle and see if your baby sleeps better without it.

8. Your baby is sweating while they sleep. 

If you notice that your baby is sweating while they sleep, it could be a sign that the swaddle is too tight or that they are overheating in general.

Either way, it’s best to stop swaddling them and ensure their sleeping environment is not too warm.

9. Your baby has red marks on their skin from the swaddle. 

If you notice red marks on your baby’s skin after being swaddled, it means that the swaddle is too tight and needs to be loosened or stopped altogether.

How to Stop Swaddling a Baby

When the time comes to transition your baby from swaddling to independent sleeping, it can be intimidating. 

However, you can make this process much easier with a few tips and tricks.

1. Start the process early

Start transitioning your baby out of swaddling before they’re three months old, as babies this age often start to roll over and may become uncomfortable in a swaddle. 

2. Introduce an arms-out swaddling technique

This method will help your baby adjust to being without a tight swaddle. Start by loosening the bottom of the blanket, so your baby’s feet are free, and leave their arms outside.

3. Transition to a sleeping bag 

Once your baby is comfortable with their arms out, you can transition them to a sleep sack or sleeping bag.

This will help keep your baby warm and secure but still give them the freedom to move their arms and legs.

4. Stop swaddling completely

When your baby is comfortable with a sleep sack or sleeping bag, you can stop swaddling them altogether.

Ensure they have enough layers of clothing to stay warm and use a blanket if needed.

5. Establish a bedtime routine

Once your baby is free from the swaddle, create a regular and consistent nighttime routine to help them relax and get ready for sleep.

This could include reading stories, singing lullabies, or giving them a gentle massage before bed. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I stop swaddling when the baby rolls to the side?

If your baby rolls to their side while swaddling, it’s time to stop. Swaddling is traditionally used to keep babies snug and warm, but once they start rolling it can become a safety hazard.

When babies roll on their sides, they can end up in an awkward position that might restrict their breathing.

How many hours a day should a newborn be swaddled?

Experts recommended that parents keep their newborns swaddled for 12–20 hours every day for a few weeks after birth.

How can I get my baby to sleep without a swaddle?

A good start is creating a sleeping environment that is relaxing and free of distractions, such as noise and lights.

Additionally, establish a regular routine prior to bedtime, such as bath time or reading a story.

Lastly, ensure your baby’s crib or bassinet is comfortable and not too cold or warm for them by monitoring the temperature.

Can swaddling hurt a baby’s arms?

Tight swaddling can constrict the baby’s arms and legs, leading to physical discomfort and, in some cases, injury.

Parents are encouraged to leave their baby’s limbs slightly loose when swaddling to ensure their movement is not inhibited or restricted.

Additionally, physicians recommend unwrapping babies regularly throughout the day to give them freedom of movement.

Should babies be swaddled during sleep training?

Swaddling can be incredibly beneficial in helping your baby feel secure while sleep training and is recommended by many experts. Not only does swaddling help them feel snug and safe, but it also restricts their movement so that they’re less likely to startle themselves awake mid-sleep.

Wrapping it Up

Transitioning from swaddling to independent sleeping can take some time, but you’ll eventually get there with consistency and determination. 

Remember to monitor your baby’s sleep environment and provide comforting objects as needed so they can learn to feel secure while they sleep independently.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you read in this article.